2 “Must Know” Copywriting Secrets that Guarantee Success!
2 “Must Know” Copywriting Secrets that Guarantee Success!
There are basically 2 kinds of buyers.
1. The Impulsive Buyer
This is the kind of guy with “places to go and people to see” and not a whole lot of time to do it in. Typically, he’ll skim the headlines and subtopics, glance at the photos and captions, and make a snap decision.
2. The Analytical Buyer
This group of buyers believes that the proof is in the details. They’ll read everything… including the fine print.
It stands to reason that successful copy will address pokerace99 the needs of both buyers… regardless of length. Let’s look at what you need to do to reach both buyers.
How to reach….
The Impulsive Buyer
1. Use attention getting headlines and sub headlines.
2. Capitalize of graphics that enhance your message…
- Photos
- Captions
- Varying fonts and font sizes
- Shading
- Use Bold Headlines
- Highlight with shaded areas or bullets
[caption id="attachment_717" align="aligncenter" width="750"] 2 “Must Know” Copywriting Secrets that Guarantee Success![/caption]
The Analytic Buyer
1. Use the headlines, sub headlines, and graphics for the impulsive buyer as guides. Add the detailed information the analytic buyer needs under the proper heading, and you’ve got a winning marketing piece that is guaranteed to be successful
Inside knowledge of how your potential buyers react is the key to getting their attention… and extra income. The fact that the needs Link alternatif pokerace99 of the impulsive buyer and the analytical buyer overlaps is a bonus for you, the copywriter!
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